100 Fun “What If” Questions to Ask Anyone

Ever caught yourself thinking about how life might be if things were different?

“What if” questions are not only enjoyable, but they’re also a wonderful opportunity to explore creativity, connect with friends, or simply escape the ordinary for a moment.

Whether you’re wanting to entertain kids, break the ice at a party, or push your own imagination, these questions are excellent for creating endless conversations.

Here’s a collection of 100 entertaining and fun “What if” questions that vary from the ridiculous to the thought-provoking:

What If Questions About Life

What if you could live anyplace in the world, where would you choose?
What if you could trade lives with anyone for a day?
What if everyone could read each other’s thoughts?
What if humans never needed sleep?
What if you could live forever. but never travel?
What if your life was a movie—what genre would it be?
What if money didn’t exist—how would the world function?
What if you woke up one day as the opposite gender?
What if you could live in any era in history—when would it be?
What if you could see one day into the future?

What If Questions About Superpowers

What if you could fly but only at 5 mph?
What if you could be invisible but only for 10 minutes at a time?
What if you had the power to time travel but couldn’t change anything?
What if you could talk to animals—what would you ask first?
What if you could control the weather?
What if you possessed a superpower but forgot how to utilize it?
What if you could teleport anywhere but just once a day?
What if you could pause time for everyone but yourself?
What if you had x-ray vision but couldn’t turn it off?
What if you could shapeshift into anything but only for an hour?

What If Questions About Technology

What if robots dominated the world?
What if the internet suddenly disappeared forever?
What if phones could predict the future?
What if vehicles could fly but were terribly expensive?
What if you could download knowledge into your brain instantly?
What if artificial intelligence grew smarter than humans?
What if you could only communicate through the emoji?
What if your electronics could talk back to you?
What if teleportation replaced airplanes?
What if virtual reality becomes indistinguishable from real life?

What If Questions About Nature

What if animals could talk?
What if trees produced Wi-Fi instead of oxygen?
What if every day was sunny and 75°F?
What if gravity stopped working for one minute every day?
What if seas were made of chocolate?
What if humans could breathe underwater?
What if you discovered a new planet?
What if dinosaurs still inhabited the Earth?
What if the sky was a different color?
What if it never stopped raining?

What If Questions for Kids

What if you had a pet dragon?
What if candy was good for you?
What if you could be any cartoon character for a day?
What if toys came to life?
What if you could only eat one food for the rest of your life?
What if school just lasted one hour a day?
What if you could turn invisible whenever you wanted?
What if you could live in your favorite video game?
What if you had a magical bag that could hold anything?
What if bedtime didn’t exist?

See also: 101 Fun Conversation Starters for or kids

What If Questions About Space

What if the moon disappeared?
What if aliens landed on Earth tomorrow?
What if humans inhabited Mars?
What if the sun never set?
What if you could travel faster than the speed of light?
What if black holes were gates to other worlds?
What if you could own a spaceship?
What if stars were actually diamonds?
What if you could name a planet—what would you call it?
What if Earth was the smallest planet in the solar system?

What If Questions About Fantasy

What if you woke up in a magical kingdom?
What if unicorns were real?
What if you encountered a genie with three wishes?
What if fairies lived in your garden?
What if you could cast one magic every day?
What if you could ride a dragon to work?
What if you were the ruler of an enchanted forest?
What if mythological monsters were real?
What if you were given a magical sword?
What if your shadow had a consciousness of its own?

What If Questions About Society

What if world peace was achieved tomorrow?
What if every country spoke the same language?
What if money grew on trees?
What if everyone had to wear the same clothing every day?
What if you could modify one law—what would it be?
What if everyone was always honest?
What if you could only eat food grown within a mile of your home?
What if you were the leader of your country for a week?
What if there were no cars—how would people get around?
What if everyone worked only one day a week?

What If Questions About Relationships

What if you met your favorite celebrity?
What if you could choose your family members?
What if you had a twin?
What if your pet could comprehend everything you say?
What if you could eat supper with any historical figure?
What if you could relive one day of your life—what day would it be?
What if you could be pals with any fictitious character?
What if you were a reality TV star?
What if you had to chose one friend to live on a deserted island with?
What if you could only speak to one person for the rest of your life?

Funny What If Questions

What if you woke up and everyone had swapped faces?
What if you could only walk backward?
What if food randomly disappeared off your plate while you were eating?
What if cows ruled the world?
What if the floor was built of trampolines?
What if your reflection didn’t match what you were doing?
What if you sneezed glitter instead of snot?
What if you could only communicate by singing?
What if chairs had feelings?
What if you woke up tomorrow and gravity was reversed?

See also:  80 Funny Questions To Ask Anyone

Final Thoughts

These “what if” questions are ideal for expanding your creativity, sharing laughs, and digging into deep conversations.

Use them to connect with others or perhaps to inspire your next creative project.

Which question was your favorite, and how would you answer it? Let us know in the comments below!

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